Podiatrists at Complete Step in Mount Martha are experienced prescribers of the Ritchie Brace®.
The Ritchie Brace is a specially designed Ankle Foot Orthotic (AFO) which is used for complex conditions requiring high levels of support for the foot and ankle. It is best suited for conditions such as:
- Tibialis posterior dysfunction (collapsed arch and ankle pain)
- Adult acquired flat foot (collapsed arch and arthritic foot pain)
- Peroneal tendinopathy or dimished peroneal muscle function
- Drop foot
The Ritchie brace will easily fit in most styles of walking/running shoes and incorporates a custom-made foot orthosis with an articulated ankle brace. It has a lightweight and low-profile design and can be used while running and playing sport.
In order to manufacture the Ritchie brace, a cast is taken of the foot and ankle and our experienced podiatrists write a prescription based on your needs and treatment goals. The Ritchie brace is often used in cases where standard custom foot orthoses have failed to resolve symptoms, but surgery is not indicated or suitable.